GGD Fryslân
Harlingertrekweg 58 8913 HR Leeuwarden-plan route

Persistent itching?
Scabies (or scabies) is a contagious skin disease. Anyone can get it. People get it from the scabies mite. The bug is so small that you cannot see it on the skin. The mite digs tunnels in the skin and lays eggs there. Scabies does not go away by itself, treatment is always needed. Scabies occurs regularly in the Netherlands. 

Quick help from the GGD in case of scabies

Scabies can be recognised mainly by enormous itching and blisters on your skin. You make it very easy for the mange mite to spread if you use each other's clothes and have direct physical contact with each other for more than 15 minutes. It is common in student houses, but also in other places where you often sleep together or sit together, for example. 

From 1 October, you can go to GGD Fryslân's scabies clinic with scabies complaints. You can make an appointment via 088 2299222 from 1 October. The clinic is there for students who do not have a GP in Fryslân and need quick help with complaints. Scabies is very contagious, so it is important to get a diagnosis and treatment quickly.  

Click here for more information on healthy and safe studying in Leeuwarden.