Sailing is back on the schedule of Student Sport Leeuwarden. The sailing takes place at sailing school Propsma.
About Sailing School Propsma: “Enjoying wind and water. Sailing school Propsma strives to offer very thorough sailing courses in a pleasant and enthusiastic way. The combination of learning to sail and enjoying and relaxing is central.”
Sailing is done in falcons with a maximum of four people per boat. Sailing is a seasonal sport and will therefore not be practicable throughout the year.
The lessons are divided into periods of 5 weeks (with 3 hours of lessons each week).
First period: from week 19 to week 23 on Tuesday or Wednesday evening (18:00-21:00).
Second period: from week 24 to week 29 on Tuesday or Wednesday evening (18:00-21:00).
Third period: from week 24 until week 29 on Tuesday or Wednesday evening (18:00-21:00).
You can register via info@leeuwardenstudentcity.nl
Location: Sailing school Propsma Bûtlân 2, 8926 XH Leeuwarden
Costs: On presentation of your sports pass it costs a total of 50 euros per person for all five lessons.